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As the deadline for compliance with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) approaches, financial entities must be proactive in establishing a plan that includes milestones, identifies stakeholders, and assigns tasks with agreed-upon deadlines. In this article, we’ll discuss the critical components of a successful DORA implementation plan and how to ensure that your organization is prepared to meet regulatory requirements.  

Establishing a Comprehensive Plan with Milestones  

A robust DORA implementation plan should outline all necessary steps to achieve compliance, setting clear milestones along the way. By breaking down the process into manageable tasks, your organization can monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. Ensure that your plan is flexible and can adapt to any unforeseen challenges or changes in the regulatory landscape.  

Identifying Stakeholders and Assigning Tasks  

A successful DORA implementation requires the involvement of various stakeholders within your organization, including board members, management, IT, and compliance teams. It’s crucial to identify these stakeholders early in the planning process and assign them specific tasks related to DORA compliance. By defining roles and responsibilities, your organization can maintain accountability and streamline the path to compliance.  

Agreeing on Deadlines and Setting Expectations  

Once stakeholders are identified and tasks assigned, it’s important to agree on deadlines for each task. Setting clear expectations for each team member can help ensure that your organization remains on track to meet regulatory deadlines. Regular check-ins and progress updates can also help keep everyone accountable and maintain momentum towards compliance.  

Conducting a Gap Analysis

Before diving into the implementation process, it’s essential to perform a gap analysis to identify areas where your organization may fall short of DORA requirements. By pinpointing areas of weakness, your organization can allocate resources effectively and prioritize the most critical aspects of compliance.

Training and Board Awareness

Training is a key aspect of DORA implementation. Ensuring that board members and other stakeholders are well-versed in the regulation’s requirements will help foster a culture of compliance within your organization. Provide ongoing training and awareness programs to keep everyone informed of their responsibilities and any updates to the regulation.  

In conclusion, preparing for DORA compliance requires a comprehensive plan that includes milestones, stakeholder engagement, and agreed-upon deadlines. By following these steps, your organization will be well-positioned to meet regulatory requirements and ensure the success of your DORA implementation.

Join our free webinar Empowering Boards for Digital Operational Resilience Success: Bridging Competencies and Demystifying DORA to learn more.